Purification does not come from the a'si, the hothouse, but from the Yunwi Gunahita (Long Man), the River, for our people. They would wade out, facing the rising sun, and dip seven times under the water, while reciting prayers. This was/is done every morning (no matter how cold), this is known as "Going To Water".
Ama (water) has the power to cleanse the body and the soul. Water is a sacred
messenger to Unequa. There are two forms of "Going To Water."
One form is called Amayi Ditatiyi (Taking them to water), in which the water
was simply dipped up the hand and spread it over the person's head and body.
The second form is called Atawastiyi, in which the person plunged or went entirely under the surface of the water. The person "going to water" faced east and dipped himself under, or dipped water over himself, seven times.
The A'si, is sometimes mistaken for the Plains "Sweat Lodge", but the a'si was used mainly for the purpose of healing. When someone was sick or ill, they would strip and enter the a'si. Heated rocks would be placed in the center and then a concoction made of the beaten root of the wild parsnip would be poured over the rocks. Today, it is water that is used, as I have heard of no one using the wild parsnip anymore. There, the ill person would remain until they were in a profuse sweat and choking on the fumes. They would then leave the a'si and go to a nearby stream where they would jump in the water.
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