Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Warriors of AniKituhwa

This dance group brings to life the Cherokee War Dance and Eagle Tail Dance as described by Lt. Henry Timberlake in 1762. Designated as official cultural ambassadors by the Tribal Council of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, they have performed at Colonial Williamsburg, the National Museum of the American Indian, and throughout the Southeast.

The War Dance was used when men went to war, but also when meeting with other nations for diplomacy and peace, and within the Cherokee nation was also used to raise money for people in need. It conveys the strength of the Cherokee nation.

The Warriors of AniKituhwa also perform Cherokee social dances including the Bear Dance, Beaver Hunting Dance, and Friendship Dance. They talk about the significance of the dances, their clothing, and Cherokee history and culture, and can provide other programs as well.

For more information contact Barbara Duncan at or use the links below.

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